Monday, March 7, 2011

Searching for Music for Funeral Service

Unfortunately, yes, it is time to think about music choices for a funeral, this time for my aunt. My mother and I are the next of kin and next-next of kin, as Aunty never married and there are only cousins left apart from us. I am usually brilliant at thinking of the perfect music for any occasion, but this is a little harder, Aunty was 76, and we'd probably prefer to pick music she knows, though I know many beautiful songs that would otherwise suit. I also have the sinking feeling she and my mother would like the stereotypical songs like Wind Beneath My Wings, and Because You Love Me....


It will be a church service, so there will be traditional hymns involved, so that part will take care of itself fairly easily.

But a song for a photo montage, or to lift our spirits at the end of the memorial? That is what I'm looking into now.

I bloody know the songs I'd want for my own funeral, I don't know if I should admit this but I have even thought about songs for my parents (both alive and kicking), but this.... I'm not sure. I have to think about it.